Decrypt Craigslist Email Address

Apr 15, 2012  I just want to figure out the REAL email address I am sending to. Tutorial - how to extract CL emails with. Way to decode the email address from the. You figure out how to beat craigslist system on their crappy email.

  1. Decrypt Email Address

Hello Everyone, I have been trying to find the first part of an email address in a wireshark capture. Finding the packet was easy, as I knew from looking through all the http packets that it ended in However, once I looked at the login email, it was encrypted (no surprise there, if it wasn't that'd be a problem). Is there any way I can decrypt this email address and find out what it is without knowing the key?

Or is there something else that I'm missing here? Thanks in advance!

Decrypt Email Address

Decrypt Craigslist Email AddressDecrypt Craigslist Email AddressHow to get craigslist email address

(screenshot included).

Craigslist has implemented 2-way email relay to help stop spam and scams. When replying to a post you'll see an address like: When answering an email you'll see an address like: Use your email program as you normally would. PLEASE NOTE: The “real name” field (e.g.